How do I Clean my Denture

The longevity of your denture’s life and your self-confidence with your smile will depend on how you take care of your oral health. Creating a simple care routine that includes both denture cleanings and yearly checkups with your denturist is of utmost importance.

Just like natural teeth, dentures accumulate plaque, and stains and can trap bacteria between the gum line and the porous acrylic denture material itself (complete or partial dentures). This can cause bad breath and increase cavities in remaining natural teeth, denture sores, and other oral health issues.

Supplies Required to Clean Your Denture

To clean your denture, you will need a denture toothbrush, a soft regular toothbrush, a denture cleaner (such as Renew Denture Cleaner), a denture bath/ case, and a clean Towel. Renew Denture Clinic is available at Minuk Dentures.

How to Clean Your Denture

When cleaning your denture(s), we recommend: a combination of both Brushing & Soaking.

Brushing: Place a clean towel in your sink or on your countertop (in case you drop your denture). Using a Denture Brush, gently remove any food debris from all denture surfaces using warm water (not hot, this can warp your denture!) Use a soft bristle toothbrush to gently brush your gums, palate, and tongue with toothpaste.

Soaking: Soak your dentures in professional strength dentures cleaner like Renew Denture Cleaner (see instructions on the bottle for further instructions).

It is not necessary to wear your dentures at night. Keep your dentures in a denture case or sealed container filled with room temperature water when not wearing. If you wear your dentures right after cleaning them, remember to rinse any cleaner off first.


  • Using boiling water to clean your dentures because this will cause them to warp.

  • Using toothpaste to clean your dentures. Because toothpaste is too abrasive, it may scratch your denture.

  • Using any household cleaning products such as bleach on your denture because it’s not digestible and poisonous.

Remember, to keep plaque, bacteria, and odors away, brush & soak your denture after every meal. It is also important to visit our Minuk Denture Clinic annually to have your dentures professionally cleaned and high-shined. This will help prevent plaque and bacteria from sticking.





Minuk & Koster Denture Clinic is Canada’s largest Denture Clinic located in Winnipeg, Manitoba. With over 100,000+ dentures created since 1977, our team is confident that we can help you love your smile again. Minuk & Koster has denture solutions for all budgets and is here to help you understand the cost of dentures and the process of getting new dentures. Our team of denturists and expert staff are here to help you get the smile you’ve always wanted. Check out our Smile Stories and learn more about the Minuk difference by reviewing our website or calling us at 204-589-6329. Book your free consultation today!


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